Cinque Terre
International Journal of Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing (IJ4M)

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ISSN : 2583-5688

>> Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Ravi K. Dwivedi
>> Co-Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Premanand S. Chauhan

>> Submission to first decision : 56 Days
>> Submission to acceptance : 172 Days

About the Journal

International Journal on Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing is a peer reviewed journal. This journal will ultimately be contributing towards empowerment of high impact technical contents in the research papers which further help the innovators to conceptualize the abstraction on the real platform. It helps to motivate and attract high quality technical research ability. We strive to provide the opportunity in the field of engineering sciences to promote the multidisciplinary approach among the researcher. We accept full length original research papers and review articles in the thematic area of the journal. All the articles are accepted for publication after the peer review by the team of reviewers.

Aims and Scope

The aim of the International Journal of Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing is to provide an international forum for the publication and dissemination of original work that contributes to the understanding of the primary and related disciplines of mechanical engineering, either empirical or theoretical. The Journal covers the whole spectrum of Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing of Mechanical Engineering. It publishes peer-reviewed articles about new experimental methods, laboratory techniques and highlights of recent articles.

Important topics include

The Journal uses the following classifications, and submissions of a multidisciplinary nature or new and emerging areas are also welcome.

  • Materials, Stress Analysis, Structures
  • Aerodynamics, Acoustics
  • Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
  • Design
  • Manufacture
  • Surfaces, Interfaces, And Lubrication
  • Biomechanics
  • Robotics And Autonomous Systems
  • Micro- And Nano- Mechanical Systems
  • Kinematics And Mechanisms
  • Transmissions, Machines, And Vehicles
  • Dynamics Control

Journal Particulars

Title International Journal of Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing (IJ4M)
Frequency Annual
Publisher Yajurvedam: An Association for Educational Empowerment and Social Welfare
Chief Editor Dr. Ravi Kumar Dwivedi
Starting Year/Month 2022/January
Subject Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing
Language English
Publication Format     Online
Phone Number +91 9179797383
Email ID
Address Gayatri Bhawan, Morar, Gwalior-474006, INDIA

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Cinque Terre

Copyright © International Journal of Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing (IJ4M)